we are the cure
This May I was given the opportunity through 6018 North to lead a couple of virtual art workshops as part of my participation in the quarantined exhibition, "In Flux Chicago Artists and Immigration," at the Chicago Cultural Center. Through June 21, I am inviting the public to contribute artwork and writing to"we are the cure," a reflective response to our current moment. The project in inspired by social justice artwork and writing rooted in ideas of interconnectedness.
Please follow the steps below if you would like to participate. To begin, select drawing/collage or sewing materials you would like to work with. Have a couple sheets of paper handy too.
Take 3 minutes to free write, share your current state of mind, (random words, phrases, or short paragraph form all fine). Hold onto this for the final step of this activity. The final step is to email your written response and artwork to me.

Download one or more images (see links below) that you want to work with; you may want to print out or view on the screen. Think about what it means to be interconnected at this very moment. Now create a visual response, in the form of a drawing, mixed-media collage, or digital artwork. You can draw/stitch/design/color/collage directly onto the images, trace/transfer the image onto another surface, or create something new. I ask that you limit your color palette to 4 colors of choice and keep a square composition.
Take 3 minutes to free write post making your artwork, reflecting on interconnectedness. Take a photo of your artwork with your camera phone or any other device, high resolution preferred and jpeg file type.
Email the photo and your your pre and post writings. Please include "We are the Cure" in the subject heading, and reference the image number(s) your artwork responded too.
Thank you for your participation, your artwork and writing will contribute towards machine embroidered and text based textile artworks. I will follow-up to confirm your submission for the project!